
Showing posts from October, 2011

Haven't been on here for a while now--

It's an ADD thing--I concentrate on something for a while and then get distracted. My distraction this time was SUMMER. On my "Bucket List" was to get my motorcycle endorsement. I got my motorcycle in November of 2008. It was too wintery outside to ride it so when the sun broke out in February 2009 (the 21st to be exact) My current (bleck!) boyfriend and I met the gang for a ride. I was doing well and starting to get comfortable. On the way home I was following my boyfriend who was traveling too fast for me to keep up. Now, we were only a mile or so from my house and I knew perfectly well where I was going. Did I slow down to a speed more suitable to my skill level? Nooooooo  I was rounding what I will now refer to as The Curve of Death (which can be identified by all the skid marks of other poor fools on the concrete barrier), hit a patch of gravel and slid right into the barrier. I don't remember what happened next until I looked down at my poor, useless left arm da...