
Showing posts from February, 2012

Consistancy-sometimes not the way I roll---

In some routines I can be consistant. Like what time I get up in the morning--taking my vitamins and pills while drinking a health concoction made of pretty much the same stuff--going to work every day at the very same time--getting home everyday at the very same time--going to bed everyday at the very same time. This varies only slightly on the weekends. But for some things I just can't get a routine down. For instance I know that I would feel better and look better if I lost weight. I have had at some time or have now all the exercise equipment known to man, videos health club memberships but have never been consistant in using any of it. I eat healthy all day, pass up donuts at work--turn my nose up at the girls eating McDonalds for lunch and then I get home and polish off an entire pizza. And did I mention the wine????? Armed with every excuse in the book--I have to be at work too early-- it get's dark to early-- the kid is playing video games in the ONLY room I can possibl