The Girlfriend Test

Like I mentioned before, I am a horrible judge of character. The only good thing I got from some of my relationships is a whole lot of good friends. From Frank, who stalked me when I tried to break up with him by standing in the parking lot of the apartment where I lived when I went on a date, and stole all my pretties so I wouldn't wear them for anyone else, and my answering machine so nobody else could leave me a message (wait--that's a whole story of it's own) I got Chuck and Kathleen. From Rick, who took everything that wasn't nailed down when he left I got a wonderful bunch of friends, including his girlfriend after me who he did pretty much the same thing to. So going through these tribulations of finding Mr. Right there have been good things that have come about because of these horrible relationships. But I just can't trust myself. Some girls can meet a guy, and instantly they have this wonderful relationship. Not me. I have read a lot lately on how to attract the right man and most all of the sources say--don't give too much of yourself too soon. Which is exactly what I do. Consistantly. Some of my girlfriends are trying to get me to introduce them to my potential guy right away so they can give a thumbs up--even they don't trust my judgement. I'm starting to think that's not such a bad idea. So I'm throwing it out there--if anyone is listening: What would you ask your girlfriend's potential mate if you had to interview him and give a recommendation to your poor misguided friend?


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